About Estuary Edges
Replacing brick, concrete, and metal tidal walls with a variety of habitats is what the Estuary Edges project is about. This Estuary Edges website is a ‘how to’ guide on ecological design for softening these ‘edges’ to encourage wildlife into urban estuaries. In our case study estuary, the Thames, only around 2% of the edges are natural. Increasing the habitat along the edges will have a significant positive ecological impact on plants, invertebrates, fish and birds.
The Thames Estuary Partnership co-ordinated this project with the Environment Agency, Port of London Authority, Tideway, Jacobs and the Institute of Fisheries Management. It reviews and replaces the 2008 guidance which was produced with the Port of London Authority, Environment Agency, Natural England, London Wildlife Trust, Thames Gateway South Essex, EDAW, RSPB, Essex Wildlife Trust, Kent Wildlife Trust, Buglife and Greater London Authority Biodiversity Team. It wishes to thank all organisations which helped provide access to the case study sites listed.
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